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Jurnal Harian Kelas 6 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018: Cara Mudah dan Praktis


Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 6 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

If you are a teacher or a student of grade 6 in Indonesia, you might be familiar with the term jurnal harian. It is a daily journal that records the learning activities and outcomes of each theme and sub-theme in the curriculum. In this article, we will explain what jurnal harian is, why you need it, and how to download it for free from

download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018

What is Jurnal Harian and Why Do You Need It?

Jurnal harian is a form of administration that is used by teachers to mark the achievement of the material that has been taught. It is also a tool for students to review and reflect on their learning progress. Jurnal harian is based on the Kurikulum 2013 (K13), which is the latest curriculum for primary and secondary education in Indonesia. K13 emphasizes thematic and integrated learning, where students learn various subjects through themes that are relevant to their lives.

The Definition and Purpose of Jurnal Harian

Jurnal harian is a table that contains the following information:

  • Name of the school, academic year, class, semester, day/date

  • Theme, sub-theme, learning number

  • Basic competencies, main topics, learning activities, learning assessment

  • Indicators of competency achievement

The purpose of jurnal harian is to:

  • Help teachers plan and organize their teaching materials and methods

  • Help teachers monitor and evaluate their students' learning outcomes and difficulties

  • Help students understand the scope and sequence of their learning objectives and tasks

  • Help students self-assess and improve their learning skills and attitudes

The Benefits of Using Jurnal Harian for Teachers and Students

By using jurnal harian, teachers and students can enjoy several benefits, such as:

  • Improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning process

  • Enhancing the communication and collaboration between teachers and students

  • Developing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of students

  • Fostering the creativity and curiosity of students

  • Inspiring the lifelong learning habit of students

How to Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 6 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

If you are looking for jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018, which is the latest revision for grade 6 second semester, you can download it for free from is a website that provides various educational resources for teachers and students, such as lesson plans, syllabus, worksheets, books, etc. Here are the steps to download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 from

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The Sources and Formats of Jurnal Harian

Jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 consists of four themes: Theme 6 (Towards a Prosperous Society), Theme 7 (Leadership), Theme 8 (My Earth), and Theme 9 (Exploring Outer Space). Each theme has three sub-themes that cover various subjects, such as mathematics, science, social studies, arts, etc. You can download jurnal harian for each sub-theme separately or for the whole theme together. The format of jurnal harian is Microsoft Word (.docx), which is easy to edit and print.

The Steps to Download Jurnal Harian from

To download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 from, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the website

  • On the homepage, click on the menu Jurnal Harian

  • On the next page, scroll down and find the section Jurnal Harian Kelas 6 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

  • Click on the theme that you want to download, for example Tema 6 Menuju Masyarakat Sejahtera

  • On the next page, you will see the list of sub-themes and the download links for each one. You can also download the whole theme by clicking on the link Download Jurnal Harian Tema 6 Kelas 6 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

  • Click on the download link that you want and wait for a few seconds until a new tab opens

  • On the new tab, click on the button Download File and choose the location where you want to save the file on your device

  • Repeat the steps for other themes and sub-themes that you need

The Tips to Use and Edit Jurnal Harian According to Your Needs

After you download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018, you can use and edit it according to your needs. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Open the file with Microsoft Word or any compatible software

  • Fill in the information about your school, class, date, etc. on the header of the table

  • Adjust the basic competencies, main topics, learning activities, learning assessment, and indicators of competency achievement according to your lesson plan and curriculum guide

  • Add or delete rows and columns as needed to fit your content and layout

  • Change the font size, color, style, alignment, etc. as you prefer

  • Save the file with a new name and print it if you want to use it as a hard copy

  • You can also convert the file to PDF format if you want to share it online or via email


Jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 is a useful resource for teachers and students who follow the K13 curriculum in Indonesia. It helps them plan, organize, monitor, evaluate, review, and reflect on their teaching and learning process. It also helps them improve their skills and attitudes towards learning. You can download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 for free from in Microsoft Word format. You can also edit it according to your needs and preferences.

Summary of the Main Points

In this article, we have discussed:

  • The definition and purpose of jurnal harian

  • The benefits of using jurnal harian for teachers and students

  • The sources and formats of jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018

  • The steps to download jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 from

  • The tips to use and edit jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 according to your needs

Call to Action and Recommendation

If you are interested in downloading jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018, we recommend you to visit and follow the steps that we have explained. You will find many other educational resources that can help you enhance your teaching and learning experience. We hope that this article has been helpful for you. Thank you for reading and happy learning!

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about jurnal harian kelas 6 semester 2 revisi 2018 and their answers:

  • What is the difference between jurnal harian and RPP?

Jurnal harian is a daily journal that records the learning activities and outcomes of each theme and sub-theme in the curriculum. RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) is a lesson plan that describes the learning objectives, materials, methods, media, assessment, and evaluation of each meeting. Jurnal harian is based on RPP, but it is more detailed and specific.

  • How often should I update my jurnal harian?

You should update your jurnal harian every day after you finish your teaching and learning activities. You should also review your jurnal harian periodically to see your progress and challenges.

  • Where can I find other resources related to jurnal harian?

You can find other resources related to jurnal harian on, such as Buku Siswa, Buku Guru, LKS, KI-KD, etc. You can also visit the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) or the Center for Curriculum and Books (Puskurbuk) for more information.

  • Can I share my jurnal harian with other teachers or students?

Yes, you can share your jurnal harian with other teachers or students, as long as you respect their intellectual property rights and privacy. You can also learn from other teachers' or students' jurnal harian to get new ideas and insights.

  • Can I use other formats or software to create my jurnal harian?

Yes, you can use other formats or software to create your jurnal harian, as long as they contain the same information and meet the same standards as the ones provided by You can also customize your jurnal harian to suit your style and preference.


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